Covering Cindy: Day 2
The greens are coming together nicely and I think the colors will really flow. I'm debating on a few layouts and will have to make a decision before I add the third (final) round of colors. I also have to look for more of each fabric to do the borders or the borders will end up looking pretty unplanned. Nothing like an unplanned mismatched border to ruin an otherwise cool quilt. Take my word for it.
The quilting today was more stressful than fun, which irritates me. Katie refused to fall asleep and I was frustrated so I let her work it out herself, meaning I let her yell at me from her room on the "other side of the house" which sounds impressive but is actually about 30 feet away. I finally gave up on her nap and put her in a sling but then she was wiggly and kept grabbing at no-nos, like the hot iron, rotary cutter, scissors, etc. I set her on the floor and offered her a basket of scrap fabrics to unpack, but she insisted on pulling out all my patterns and shredding a few covers instead. Stressful. And messy. I finally just dropped her back in her crib with a handful of toys before I snapped at her and now she's peacefully playing, but I'm still ticked off.
So this is all I got done today. I hope to finish the rest of the greens tomorrow and plan the final layout so I can start adding the last round of pinks. So far I really like the diagonals of greens and purples/pinks grouped like this, but I may opt for a zig-zag design. Both patterns will be much more distinct with the third round of color added.