Piecing It Together

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Covering Cindy: Month 3

Quilt in a day? No. Quilt in a quarter of a year? Sure.

The top is fully pieced, including the borders. Cindy starts her senior year of high school next wednesday so I'm, amazingly, still ahead of the game.

The back will be cherry red with a black cherry border. The actual quilting is being done by my aunts and cousins and I'm leaving the design of it to them.

I am so grateful that my sisters were here a few days this week. They gave me a chance to get a lot of work done and that gave me a little time to also take a break and get this done.

Next on the sewing block: Baby G's quilt. But not for a few weeks.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Covering Cindy: Day 60 Something

I am a piecing Queen. In a matter of 3 hours of "break" time from my coding, while Katie napped and then played with Rob, I added the last 3 pinks and 17 greens. I pieced all 18 squares together. And this, this beautiful stripey goodness, is the final pieced design.

The finished pieced top is only 37"x 78" and the final extra-long twin quilt needs to be 72"x108x so I still have to add about a yard of border to each dimension. I am off to the store today to try to find some of the black cherry, light floral, medium pink, and dark
green to finish it off.

My middle sister is coming to visit in a week and if all goes well I'll get a break before then and be able to finish this so I can send it home with her. The tradition has always been that every grandkid gets one of these when they graduate highschool. Since my grandma passed away the task of making the quilts has been assumed by a few of the cousins and some of the aunts. This year three other cousins graduate with Cindy and so there's a bit of a rush to get it into the frame and started before it gets too close to the graduation dates. Plus, with me, the 2 hour process of cutting and adding the border strips will probably take 3 weeks.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

"Quilt in a day" my @$$

What kind of day do these people work under? Obviously a toddler free one. And while we're at it, one devoid of potty breaks, email checks, realizations that the third green fabric hasn't been washed, the second pink is a few strips short, a block has fallen behind the ironing board and was missed for a few rounds, the quick project you tossed on the machine between blocks changed your settings and you forgot to change them back and now all the blocks are out of wack and need to be redone, and, yes, that would be yet another telemarketer calling.

I haven't touched the quilt since early June. Brides are piling up thanks to a referral on theknot.com and school is flashing huge red warning signs about deadlines and graduation and conferences. I need a quilting break more than ever and can't afford one more than ever. I may have to just force myself to take the break later this weekend.

This, right here, is why I start my "quilt in a day" projects over a year before they're intended gifting. Quilt In A Day. Ha.