Piecing It Together

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Covering Cindy update: Day 6.

The debate between diagonal and zig-zag is going pretty heavily in favor of diagonal at this point. I really like the color shades of the pink and purple with the green. It's going to get a lot darker when I add the last shade of green to the squares.

(oops, one square is turned 90* on here. It's in the bottom purple line. Oh well, at least it's just for a photo, not stitched down!)

The blocks aren't done yet, not even really close. I have to add the third pink edge to 4 blocks and then the third green to 17 of the 18 blocks. Only one block on this layout is actually done. And it's....um...it's on there. Somewhere. Oh, there it is. Bottom center of diagonal, 2nd one from the bottom on the left in the zig-zag. It has three shades of green, with the noticeably darker green border.

I'm going to have to put this on hold until I get back from my trip. I have too much school work and packing and house keeping details this week to do anything else. I tend to need a lot of time to do a quilt (note, this is a "quilt in a day" pattern and it's now been almost a full week and I'm still at least 14 hours of work from done), but it's the process that counts.

Quilting interrupted by baby crafts

I guess I should admit that as much as I love to quilt, I do have a multi-purpose sewing room. I make wedding veils for decent cash and devote a lot of time to making fun things for Katie. Yesterday we went to Jackman's Fabric store for veil fabric and to find the last green to finish out the squares for Cindy. Katie did some shopping of her own and found a cat print. She all but climbed over me to get to it, muttering "ki-ee-ka. ki-ee-ka. ki-ee-ka" like she was possessed. Possessed by pretty kitty cats.

Naturally, the fabric found its way home with us and today I turned it into an activity book to, hopefully, make the flights easier on us all next week.

The cover is just two iron-on cats from WalMart that Katie found and talked to for 30 minutes straight today. They match the cats in the print perfectly.
Katie's New Cat Book
Page 1-2, the cats wake up and have breakfast. The flannel blanket is the same fabric as one of Katie's sleepers.
Katie's New Cat Book
Page 3-4: Playtime! The cats are playing with yarn and the adjacent page will have yarn tied to it.
Katie's New Cat Book
Page 5-6: Play with Ribbon.
Katie's New Cat Book
Page 7-8 The cat playing under a piece of paper is filled with crinkle paper and lifts to show a cat sleeping on newspaper. The purple fleece pulls back to see 2 sleeping cats.
Katie's New Cat Book

Katie's New Cat Book
Page 9-10: More playtime! Outside fun. The green "grass" ribbons move to reveal a cat in the grass. A panel opens to see another cat. The cat climbing the tree finds a friend under the leaves, which are also full of crinkle for extra fun.
Katie's New Cat Book

Katie's New Cat Book
Page 11-12: Relaxing inside. The cat looking out the window sees two birds, but sees them clearer if you move the lace curtain. The cat under the dustruffle plays with a spool, and another spool is in the pink pocket.
Katie's New Cat Book

Katie's New Cat Book
Page 13-14: Dinner and playtime before bed. Magnets are sewn behind the yarn balls in each picture and the pom-poms have magnets so you can give the ball to the cat.
Katie's New Cat Book

Katie's New Cat Book
Page 15: End of the day...sleep!
Katie's New Cat Book

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Covering Cindy: Day 3

I'm not sure I'll get to quilt today as there are three veils that need to be made first. I've decided on the zig-zag pattern and it's going to fade through the quilt, so the top will be a light pink "zig", then a light green one, then a darker pink, darker green, light purple, even darker green, and finally the purple. Hopefully it'll look cool. And now that I've done all the planning for this quilt and how to build the squares to do a design like that, now I'm excited to do another one like that. I want to build a quilt with color bands in the stripes or zigs.

As I build this quilt, Cindy is on her way to Mississippi for two weeks with her church youth group to help rebuild hurricane damaged areas. I'm so excited for her to have this opportunity to be part of something so big. Of course I worry about her, though. She's so much like me, that I just know we'll be hearing about her stepping on nails, wacking herself with a hammer, or even just something as common as totally forgetting to put on sunscreen and frying herself in the intense southern sun.